Don Conreaux (Grand Gong Master) – THE REAL STORY OF the 45-minute Gong Bath & the 10 linked together in THE ALL-NIGHT GONG PUJA.

“It was in 1972 while in my 2nd year as founding director of the Nanak Dwara Teacher Training Ashram in Phoenix Arizona that Yogi Bhajan asked me to take care of his older son Rambir while he was going to high school in Phoenix.

Yogiji then told me that Rambir wouldn’t talk when he was a young child. So, he gave him a 45-minute full out gonging, and then happily afterward he would never stop talking.

Yogiji then said that a minimum of ten 45-minute full gong tone immersions in a row could cure practically anything.​

It was apparent that 10 immersions in total gong sound if done 10 days in a row was a bit impractical for most. So, I connected them together in one all-night Gong Puja and now it is standard procedure all around the world for our gong masters.​

In the short nights of mid-summer 10 continuous full 45-minute gong tone-bath immersions will equal 450 minutes or 7 and a half hours/…/​

I recommend that the all-night gong pujas be kept at a moderate volume so that the body may absorb the sound while being rejuvenated during sleep. The single 45-minute gong bath therapy must reach full volume into the 7th layer of the blue ethers for de-materialization of the mundane consciousness.

In this gong sleep, the 24-hour innate consciousness can be super-conducting while the ego is in suspension”.